Hlangana noGenobio e-ISHAM 2022

Mekanye noGenobioku-ISAM 2022


Abangama-21stICongress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) izobanjelwa eNew Delhi, eNdiya ngo-20-24 September 2022.

I-ISHAM yinhlangano yomhlaba wonke eyasungulwa ngo-1954 ehlose ukumela zonke izazi zezokwelapha, ososayensi bezokwelapha kanye nabacwaningi abayisisekelo abanentshisekelo ezifweni zokukhunta.I-ISHAM iwukuba lula emhlabeni jikelele ukushintshana kwemibono nolwazi futhi inikeze usizo oluphathelene ne-mycology yezokwelapha nezilwane.

I-Genobio izohlinzeka ngesixazululo esiphelele esiphelele sokuxilongwa kwezifo ezikhuntayo e-ISHAM.


Ukugxila kwethu ku-ISHAM

I-Chemiluminescence Immunoassay System ezenzakalelayo ngokugcwele

I-Fuly-automatic chemiluminescence immunoassay system iwuhlelo oluvaliwe, ukuhlola okuyindlela yokusebenza kwe-chemiluminescence noma i-photometry engenziwa kuleli thuluzi ukuze kutholakale ukuxilongwa okusheshayo, kusenesikhathi futhi okunembile.


Isikhathi sokuthumela: Sep-02-2022